Aryan Renaissance Society

Aryan Renaissance Society is a neo-nazi group which resembles both a political organization and a prison gang. ARS started in Texas and was imported to Niagara Falls, NY. ARS is one of the more active members of the United Aryan Front, a coalition of white supremacist and neo-nazi organizations.

ARS claims to be the leading force behind the White Lives Matter movement. They hosted a rally outside an NAACP office in Texas, armed with assault rifles and condemning the murder of white police officers. Local ARS has been distributing fliers around Grand Island and Lewiston NY. ARS also attended the Spirit of America rally in Buffalo, 2017, to distribute fliers to police and attendees, an event where Sheriff Tim Howard also spoke at.

(WLM facebook page posting about giving fliers to police after the Spirit of America rally in Niagara Square.)

Aryan Renaissance Society members  also violently beat a 21 year-old for bringing a black woman into a bar that they formerly owned on 3rd Street in Niagara Falls. The bar has since been closed, due to having felons listed on the liquor license.

Local members and affiliates ARS:
Horace Scott Lacy
Todd Biro
Jeffery Richards
Marie Basile
-Daemon Kraft

(Horace Lacy in white shirt, left.)

(Horace Lacy in camo jacket and jeans, third from right.)

(White Lives Matter rally, Texas.)

(White Lives Matter rally, Texas.)

(White Lives Matter/ARS. Horace Lacy in white shirt to the right.)


If you have any additional information on activities of ARS or their affiliates, please submit it to:


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