Todd Biro

52-year-old white male, 6-feet-1, 230 pounds, with gray hair and blue eyes.

Todd Biro is a close friend of Horace Lacy and is one of the main organizers for ARS in New York. Todd participated in the beating of a 21 year old for bringing his black girlfriend into the bar “Rust” on 3rd street in Niagara Falls, which was owned and operated by his wife and him until it was shut down after that incident. His wife’s name is Marie Basile.

(Todd covered in white supremacist tattoos. Thor’s hammer on neck, 1488 on arm, “seig heil” on back.)

(Lacy on left, Biro on right.)

(Lacy on left, Biro on right.)

(Lacy and Biro distributing “White Lives Matter” fliers to police and attendees of the Spirit of America rally in Niagara Square, Buffalo 2017.)

(Biro with 1488 tattoo.)

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